Wednesday, January 22, 2025


The Top 10 Songs of Black History Month  

Top 10 Songs of Black History Month By: Princess Dominiko Black History Month, while one of the most pivotal holidays in our nation's calendar, as it celebrates a group of individuals that have suffered a continuous history of trauma, is one of the shortest months and is eclipsed by a number of other holidays, including Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, and last, but certainly not least, Groundhog’s Day.  While this holiday continues to be disregarded by our country, we, at BlackTop10s, choose to make it a focal point and celebrate it, by engaging in music that communicates pivotal ideas [...]


Comedy should be debated like sports.  For every fan of Jordan, there are those who feel Kobe or Lebron tops him.   For every Brady acolyte, there’s a Mahone disciple or a Rogers apostle.  That’s because comedy, like sports, is not so much a matter of stats, but also favorites.   Just as some athletes spark your imagination and inspire, comedy meets the same criteria. [...]

Top 10 Black Singers with the Highest Vocal Range (video)

Discover the top 10 Black singers renowned for their highest vocal range and stunning vocal abilities in our exclusive video showcase.

The Top 10 Black Music Industry Entrepreneurs

Quite often Black stars in the entertainment industry are defined and relegated to their music, acting and/or performance skills. People have marveled at the undeniable talents of artists like Sam Cooke, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, and a host of others, yet some of these artists, songwriters, and producers are also, even more, astute and highly significant businessmen and businesswomen. [...]

Top 10 Lesser-Known Black Male Singers (video)

Discover hidden gems as we spotlight the Top 10 lesser-known Black Male Singers you should be listening to. Tune into inspiring vocals and fresh beats!

Top 10 Best Black Male Falsetto Singers of All Time

Below is a list of the top 11 black male falsetto singers you deserve to know: Whether it's modern indie rock, Motown, or soul, the falsetto technique of vocalizing has been popular across different genres. Some singers make use of their upper-register head voice to showcase power. Others do so to show vulnerability and fragility emotionally. Eddie Kendricks Michael Jackson - Falsetto Black Male Singers Born on the 29th of August 1958 and known as the ‘King of Pop’, Michael Jackson had a multitude of talents. [...]

Top 10 Black Opera Singers Who Have Made History (video)

Discover trailblazing black opera singers who have revolutionized the art form and inspired generations with their iconic voices and performances.

Top 10 Black Singers Who Rose to Fame in the 90s (video)

Discover the legendary 90s Black Singers who dominated the charts with their unforgettable R&B, soul, and hip-hop hits. Relive the iconic music era.