Wednesday, January 15, 2025



Comedy should be debated like sports.  For every fan of Jordan, there are those who feel Kobe or Lebron tops him.   For every Brady acolyte, there’s a Mahone disciple or a Rogers apostle.  That’s because comedy, like sports, is not so much a matter of stats, but also favorites.   Just as some athletes spark your imagination and inspire, comedy meets the same criteria. [...]

On Becoming a Nurse: Going Through Online Nursing Programs

Panorama of a happy nurse with a stethoscope covering an elderly man with a blanket in a nursing home On Becoming a Nurse: Going Through Online Nursing Programs Before there was anything called internet, before ‘online’ became a thing, everyone had to go to college to earn a degree. Attending college was tougher for some than others, while some simply encountered difficulties in learning itself, others found it challenging to combine their jobs and other commitments like raising a family with earning a degree. [...]

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Online Business Degrees

Online learning is in general, helpful and very viable; [...]

10 Great Cities for Black People to Live

Although no community is entirely devoid of discrimination, these cities offer an environment where Black residents can thrive economically, socially and personally. Best places for black people to live.

Top 10 Undeniable Best Black Speakers of All Time

Written By Kevin Ross and Darryl Littleton Throughout history oration has moved the masses more than anything else.  The use of language coupled with persuasive rhythms and vocal dynamics can elevate standard messages to rousing calls to action.  This places paramount importance on the messenger.   When a master of linguistics and human emotions steps up to the speaker’s stand it can be aptly compared to a consummate musician performing a difficult piece reserved only for the truly proficient. [...]

Top 10 Best Spotify Playlists Indie Musician Suggestions

Black Top 10s Spotify Playlists Indie Musician Suggestions The Internet has made it more feasible for rising musicians and producers to put their work out there for the world to see. As a result, indie musicians, and specifically Black talent, have been making waves in the music industry, finding new audiences. [...]

Life and Net Worth of Jay-Z

Shawn Corey Carter aka Jay-Z admittedly started his career on the riskier side of the road as a drug dealer in NYC yet he is the quintessential tale of the rags to riches story getting out of the streets and into the boardroom just in time. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images) It's no secret that the concepts of the drug dealer occupation mimic most legitimate entrepreneurial businesses. It boils down to supply and demand and if you have a product that people want ... they will come and you will make money. [...]