The Top 10 Black Music Industry Entrepreneurs

Quite often Black stars in the entertainment industry are defined and relegated to their music, acting and/or performance skills. People have marveled at the undeniable talents of artists like Sam Cooke, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, and a host of others, yet some of these artists, songwriters, and producers are also, even more, astute and highly significant businessmen and businesswomen. [...]

Life and Net Worth of Jay-Z

Shawn Corey Carter aka Jay-Z admittedly started his career on the riskier side of the road as a drug dealer in NYC yet he is the quintessential tale of the rags to riches story getting out of the streets and into the boardroom just in time. (Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images) It's no secret that the concepts of the drug dealer occupation mimic most legitimate entrepreneurial businesses. It boils down to supply and demand and if you have a product that people want ... they will come and you will make money. [...]

10 Brilliant Things About Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry is a billionaire and without question, the odds were absolutely against him. Initially homeless after taking his life savings and investing it into his first play he was determined not to give up. He is a Black man making films and building an empire which in Hollywood is an anomaly. He is a Black man who has completely gone against the grain of Hollywood's elite in the vain of doing what he feels is right, he has certainly garnered (not made) naysayers and enemies. [...]

Supporting Black-Owned Businesses Starts Within the Business

Photo by Michael Soledad on Unsplash I will say that again... supporting Black Owned Business Starts WITHIN the business... otherwise, you won't HAVE a Business! Without question being an entrepreneur is the greatest thing on the planet. I've been doing it now for 26 years and would not have it any other way. I love it but I would think it would be unfair to paint a picture that's not accurate or common. [...]
swiss Beatz

Top 10 Celebrities Who Made the Best of the pandemic

The pandemic caused by the global spread of COVID-19 has been unforgiving to many. Whether it has been the loss of a job, the loss of love, the loss of everyday freedoms, or unfortunately the loss of actual life, these last two years have not been kind to the world as a whole. Ultimately, life is about balance and for every downfall someone or something tends to rise. [...]