roberta flack
Top 10 Best Black Electric Bassists of All time
Everybody loves how it feels when the bass drops…but err’body ain’t able to make it happen. Here are ten of the greatest arbiters of low-end theory for your perusal.Stanley ClarkeAll hail the king from the streets of Philadelphia! Clarke is most responsible for bringing electric bass out of the background as a lead instrument, kicking out melodies and jaw-dropping solos - from the frenetic to the eloquent.His composition “School Days” is an all-time band jam classic. [...]
Top 10 R&B Remakes That Were Better Than The Originals
There is a fine line distinction between a remake of a song being different from the original as opposed to flat-out superior. Take, for...
Best Songs From The 90s
The 90s gave us Tupac, Wu-Tang Clan, and a record number of other rappers and singers. However, with such a variety of great artists, it is difficult to name which ones were the best and brightest. [...]
The Top 10 BEST R&B Love Songs of All Time
Here is our list of black female singers and black male singers that really brought it home with these love song hits. Let us know if you agree in the comments.