Friday, February 14, 2025


The 10 Black-Owned Banks in the US

The 10 Biggest Black Bank Owners In the US Banks have played an important role when it comes to the facilitation of the American dream. Although there were no black-owned banks in the US before 1888, they have caught on when it comes to all the services they offer. [...]

Top 10 Undeniable Best Black Speakers of All Time

Written By Kevin Ross and Darryl Littleton Throughout history oration has moved the masses more than anything else.  The use of language coupled with persuasive rhythms and vocal dynamics can elevate standard messages to rousing calls to action.  This places paramount importance on the messenger.   When a master of linguistics and human emotions steps up to the speaker’s stand it can be aptly compared to a consummate musician performing a difficult piece reserved only for the truly proficient. [...]

The Blues Origin and 10 Great Artists Who Shaped the Genre

The Blues Origin in Music is often duplicated but always underrated by the creators. Here are some blues music examples of the undeniable blues music history in the blues music genre. Here we explore the history as well as modern blues songs.